Cachet : une page de statut des services

(Globalement obsolète en 2023)


Cachet is software that improves downtime.

Great companies all over the world are using Cachet to better communicate downtime and system outages to their customers, teams and shareholders.
Cachet est une page de statut des services

Conditions préalables

To run Cachet on your CentOS 7 system you will need a couple of things:

  • PHP version 7.1 or greater
  • HTTP server with PHP support (eg: Nginx, Apache, Caddy)
  • Composer
  • A supported database: MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLiteGit


  • A CentOS 7 operating system.
  • A non-root user with sudo privileges.


  • (A compléter)

Installation – Etape 1

Verify installed version of CentOS :

cat /etc/centos-release

Ajouter votre user en sudoers :

sudo usermod -aG wheel <votreuser>

Set up the timezone:

timedatectl list-timezonessudo timedatectl set-timezone 'Region/City'

Update your operating system packages (software). This is an important first step because it ensures you have the latest updates and security fixes for your operating system’s default software packages:

sudo yum upgdate -y

Install some essential packages that are necessary for basic administration of the CentOS operating system:

sudo yum install -y curl wget vim git unzip socat bash-completion

Installing PHP on CentOS 8

CentOS 8 is distributed with PHP 7.2. This version supports most of the modern PHP applications, but will no longer be actively maintained as of November 2019. The newer PHP versions are available from the Remi repository.

Enable the Remi repository

If you’re going to install the distro stable PHP version 7.2, skip this step. Otherwise, if you want to install PHP 7.3 or 7.4 enable the Remi repository by running the following command as root or user with sudo privileges:

sudo dnf install dnf-utils

The command above will also enable the EPEL repository.

Once the installation is complete, run the command below to get a list of all available PHP versions:

sudo dnf module list php

The output will show a list of all available modules, including the associated stream, version, and installation profiles.

Last metadata expiration check: 0:02:11 ago on Fri 18 Oct 2019 08:31:43 PM UTC.
CentOS-8 - AppStream
Name    Stream       Profiles                     Summary                 
php     7.2 [d][e]   common [d], devel, minimal   PHP scripting language  

Remi's Modular repository for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
Name    Stream       Profiles                     Summary                 
php     remi-7.2     common [d], devel, minimal   PHP scripting language  
php     remi-7.3     common [d], devel, minimal   PHP scripting language  
php     remi-7.4     common [d], devel, minimal   PHP scripting language  

Hint: [d]efault, [e]nabled, [x]disabled, [i]nstalled

The default PHP module is set to PHP 7.2. To install a newer PHP release, enable the appropriate version:

PHP 7.3

sudo dnf module reset php
sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.3

PHP 7.4

sudo dnf module reset php
sudo dnf module enable php:remi-7.4

You are now ready to install PHP on your CentOS server.

Install PHP

The following command will install PHP and some of the most common PHP modules:

sudo dnf install php php-opcache php-gd php-curl php-mysqlnd php-json php-simplexml php-xml php-mbstring php-tokenizer

FPM is installed as a dependency and used as FastCGI server. Start the FPM service and enable it to automatically start on boot:

sudo systemctl enable --now php-fpm

Configuring PHP to work with Apache

If SELinux is running on your system, you’ll need to update the SELinux security context:

sudo chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www

If you are using Apache as your web server, restart the httpd service using the following command, and you are good to go:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Configuring PHP to work with Nginx (nouse)

By default, PHP FPM runs as user apache. To avoid permission issues, we’ll change the user to nginx. To do so, edit the lines highlighted in yellow:

sudo nano /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf


user = nginx
group = nginx


Make sure the /var/lib/php directory has the correct ownership:

chown -R root:nginx /var/lib/php

Once done, restart the PHP FPM service:

sudo systemctl restart php-fpm

Next, edit the Nginx virtual host directive, and add the following location block so that Nginx can process PHP files:

server {

    # . . . other code

    location ~ \.php$ {
        try_files $uri =404;
        fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock;
        fastcgi_index index.php;
        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
        include fastcgi_params;


For the new configuration to take effect, restart the Nginx service:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Update the SELinux security context:

sudo chcon -tR httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www


PHP 7.2 is available for installation from the default CentOS 8 repositories. If you want to install more recent version you need to enable the Remi repository.


Add php test page:

echo '<?php phpinfo();' | sudo tee /var/www/html/info.php

Browse to your server IP on http://localhost/info.php to see php in action.

Enjoy using PHP 7.2 on CentOS 8 / RHEL 8

By default, CentOS 8/RHEL 8 forbids public access to port 80. To allow other computers to access the web page, we need to open port 80 in firewalld, the dynamic firewall manager on RHEL/CentOS. Run the following command to open port 80.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http

If you want to enable HTTPS on Apache later, then you also need to open port 443.

firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https

The --permanent option will make this firewall rule persistent across system reboots. Next, reload the firewall daemon for the change to take effect.

systemctl reload firewalld

Now the Apache web page is accessible publicly.

Finally, we need to make user apache as the owner of web directory. By default it’s owned by the root user.

chown apache:apache /var/www/html -R

Step 2 – Installing MariaDB

Now, it’s time to install the database server

sudo yum install mariadb-server mariadb

When the MariaDB is installed, issue the command below to start it

sudo systemctl start mariadb

Enable auto start at system boot time.

systemctl enable mariadb

Check status:

systemctl status mariadb


● mariadb.service - MariaDB 10.3 database server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2019-10-12 09:02:53 UTC; 33s ago
     Docs: man:mysqld(8)
 Main PID: 18608 (mysqld)
   Status: "Taking your SQL requests now..."
    Tasks: 30 (limit: 5092)
   Memory: 77.0M
   CGroup: /system.slice/mariadb.service
           └─18608 /usr/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr

Enabled” indicates that auto start at boot time is enabled and we can see that MariaDB server is running. Now we need to run the security script.


When it asks you to enter MariaDB root password, press Enter key as the root password isn’t set yet. Then enter y to set the root password for MariaDB server.

install mariadb on redhat 8 centos 8

Next, you can press Enter to answer all remaining questions, which will remove anonymous user, disable remote root login and remove test database. This step is a basic requirement for MariaDB database security. (Note that the letter Y is capitalized, which means it’s the default answer.)

mysql_secure_installation rhel8 centos8

Now you can run the following command and enter MariaDB root password to log into MariaDB shell.

mysql -u root -p
mariadb shell login

Connect to MariaDB shell as the root user:

sudo mysql -u root -p
# Enter password

Create an empty MariaDB database and user for Cachet and remember the credentials:

MariaDB> GRANT ALL ON cachet.* TO 'dbuser_cachet' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

To exit, run


Step 3 – Install client and obtain Let’s Encrypt certificate (optional)

Securing your website with HTTPS is not necessary, but it is a good practice to secure your site traffic. In order to obtain a TLS certificate from Let’s Encrypt we will use client. is a pure UNIX shell software for obtaining TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt with zero dependencies. 

Download and install

sudo su - root
git clone
./ --install --accountemail
source ~/.bashrccd ~

Check version: --version
# v2.8.0

Obtain RSA and ECC/ECDSA certificates for your domain/hostname:

# RSA 2048 --issue --standalone -d --keylength 2048
# ECDSA --issue --standalone -d --keylength ec-256

If you want fake certificates for testing you can add --staging flag to the above commands.

After running the above commands, your certificates and keys will be in:

  • For RSA/home/username/ directory.
  • For ECC/ECDSA/home/username/example.com_ecc directory.

To list your issued certs you can run: --list

Create a directory to store your certs. We will use the /etc/letsencrypt directory.

mkdir -p /etc/letsecnrypt/
sudo mkdir -p /etc/letsencrypt/example.com_ecc

Install/copy certificates to /etc/letsencrypt directory.

# RSA --install-cert -d --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/ --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/ --fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/ --reloadcmd "sudo systemctl reload nginx.service"
# ECC/ECDSA --install-cert -d --ecc --cert-file /etc/letsencrypt/example.com_ecc/cert.pem --key-file /etc/letsencrypt/example.com_ecc/private.key --fullchain-file /etc/letsencrypt/example.com_ecc/fullchain.pem --reloadcmd "sudo systemctl reload nginx.service"

All the certificates will be automatically renewed every 60 days.

After obtaining certs exit from root user and return back to normal sudo user:


Step 5 – Install Composer

Install Composer, the PHP dependency manager globally:

php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php -r "if (hash_file('sha384', 'composer-setup.php') === 'c5b9b6d368201a9db6f74e2611495f369991b72d9c8cbd3ffbc63edff210eb73d46ffbfce88669ad33695ef77dc76976') { echo 'Installer verified'; } else { echo 'Installer corrupt'; unlink('composer-setup.php'); } echo PHP_EOL;"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer

If the code above no longer run correctly, go to there :

When instalation is finished, check Composer version:

composer --version
# Composer version 1.8.4 2019-02-11 10:52:10

Step 6 – Install Cachet

Create a document root directory where Cachet should reside in:

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/cachet

Change ownership of the /var/www/cachet directory to {your_user}:

sudo chown -R {your_user}:{your_user} /var/www/cachet

NOTEReplace {your_user} with your initially created non-root user username.

Navigate to the document root directory:

cd /var/www/cachet

Download the Cachet source code with Git:

git clone -b 2.4 --single-branch .

Copy .env.example to .env file and configure database and APP_URL settings in .env file:

cp .env.example .env
nano .env

Install Cachet dependencies with Composer:

composer install --no-dev -o

Up to 5 minutes of installation….

Ignore errors (!!)

Set up the application key by running:

php artisan key:generate

Install Cachet:

php artisan cachet:install

Now, run the command below to generate a new virtualhost for web application:

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/

Once this file opens, add the content below:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Directory "/var/www/cachet/public">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        Requireall granted
    CustomLog"/var/log/httpd/" combined

Restart Apache :

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Open your site in a web browser and follow the instructions on the screen to finish Cachet installation.


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